Project Description

“More than a decade ago, Casey Anderson rescued a grizzly bear named Brutus and founded the Montana Grizzly Encounter in order to provide a natural home for other rescued grizzlies. On this Endangered Species Day, their unlikely friendship teaches us the importance of conservation and respect.”

This original GoPro story took the internet by storm when it was released, with more than 5 seperate assets published for this 20 minute short documentary it has collectively attained more than 7 million views in only a single year! This campaign, which I was lead on, was so impactful that YouTube actually awarded me an award for the collective viewership and impact.

This piece was shot collectively by coworkers of mine while I was head of post-production. Throughout the process I worked alongside Casey Anderson to make sure we were telling the correct story, and revealing to the world these beautiful creatures and the impact we have on them as an endangered species.

This 20-minute documentary showcases an incredibly unique bond between Casey Anderson and Brutus, the grizzly bear – as well as the younger, Bella grizzly bear. From paper cuts, storyboards, and story pitches to graphics design, sound design, and color. I tackled every aspect of post-production single handed. In addition to this piece, I also created several other short-form videos to be used for press releases and have an even more viral appeal. I learned a lot working on this project, and am truly passionate about the story it tells.

I hope it can have a moving effect on you!

GoPro Hero 4
Audio Lav

Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Media Encoder
DaVinci Resolve
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator